
Join Our Growing Team

Together, we're reshaping the future of online data portability

As a team, we continually overcome substantial challenges in technology, design, interoperability, infrastructure, and communication to create a seamless and delightful experience that enables individuals and organizations to migrate email and collaborative content between accounts as they leap forward to new horizons. As we scale, our challenges continue to multiply, and we require new innovations and fresh perspectives from our growing team.

If you're keen to make a difference in the lives of millions of people who need to maintain control over their content when switching online accounts, then please reach out to us. But first, take the time to learn more about joining our team. We are looking for passionate, over-achieving stakeholders who share our principles.

Our principles of success

We strive to bring fundamental change to the world and deliver substantial value to our customers. To accomplish our objectives, we hold ourselves accountable to these leadership principles without compromise. We expect the same from all new joiners.

Obsess over customer success

We remain grateful at all times for the opportunity to serve customers. We continuously pursue a deeper understanding of our customers, their problems, dreams, beliefs, and the circumstances surrounding them. And we adapt ourselves, our products, and our user experiences to provide each customer unique value.

For our company to succeed, then our customers must succeed. We hold ourselves accountable for the promises we make to our customers and treat every customer with the utmost respect.

Make a demonstrable impact

We seek to make a positive impact on our fellow human beings around the world. To do so, we must be pragmatic to relentlessly prioritize projects and activities based on their expectations of impactful results. While our activities are essential, the positive impact we make is what matters.

Lead with integrity

We say what we mean, we mean what we say, and we follow through with our actions. When we feel that our actions or the meanings of our words are out of alignment, then we quickly and humbly seek to regain that alignment.

We make commitments and follow through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, our partners, our teammates, and ourselves.

Love what you do

We love what we do and want to work with other people who love what they do.

People with passion can change the world for the better. Loving what you do makes all the difference. It's nearly impossible to come up with new, creative, and novel ideas without passion.

Maintain a healthy disrespect for what seems 'impossible'

We routinely accomplish what others believe to be impossible. We maintain optimism in the face of adversity and rally our teammates to find a creative way forward. We encourage taking small risks and look for the learning lessons in everything we do. We understand that the business of making the impossible possible requires us to take such risks.

Create amazing experiences to propel human ambition

While we seem to be in the business of migrating data, we are actually in the business of enriching lives and businesses. There is a big difference between the two. The experience we deliver to each customer defines our overall outcome as a business.

We understand that people aren't really looking for products. What people want is to fulfill their hopes, dreams, and ambitions. We design, build, and release product experiences that enable mere mortals to reach their goals.

Be entrepreneurial, set objectives, and deliver

We're self-starters chasing a vision. We don't sit on our hands waiting for someone to tell us what to do. At any given time, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of valuable things to do.

Each of us believes that success is reserved for those with the fortitude to lead themselves. We collaborate productively to ensure our investments add up to an outcome for our customers, our team, and our business. And we remain mutually accountable to each other to declare objectives, craft our approaches, and deliver results.

Think big, and succeed by being scrappy

We think big; then we string a series of small wins together as we scale up. Will power, passion, and the insatiable desire to achieve are far more productive resources than money. True leaders are scrappy. They impose constraints on themselves and their teammates to breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and invention.

Regularly release your work

Releases lead to results. Analysis paralysis serves no one. By relentlessy focusing on releasable ideas, we eliminate the risks that our ideas might lead to a lack of results. As a business, we commit well-tested releases to production for our customers to experience. As team members, we release half-baked ideas, drawings, demos, prototypes, and more to each other so we can fail-fast, iterate, and succeed as a team.

Relentlessly seek diverse perspectives

Nearly all creative problems have more than one optimal solution. We enthusiastically exchange ideas with each other and the marketplace. We passionately seek out problems and leverage diversity to gather insights and understand potential solutions from many different perspectives.

Doing so puts one's ego at risk. But we believe wholeheartedly that opening our ideas and deliverables up for feedback by a diverse set of perspectives always brings unique insights about the right optimal solution.

Be respectful to your fellow human beings

We recognize that a thriving business results from a collective human endeavor to bring value to the world. We respect & acknowledge that each person has something unique to contribute, regardless of their gender, race, nationality, age, sexual orientation, physical capabilities, level of formal education, socio-economic background, etc.

To succeed, we must ask creative questions, listen with an open heart and a sincere desire to truly understand, and develop feasible and robust solutions. In such an endeavor, we have no tolerance for those who would disrespect our teammates, partners, or customers.

Functional Career Opportunities

To create and propel our innovations, we leverage an organizational structure centered around functional expertise. We believe that professionals with the most domain expertise and experience should be making the decisions relevant to each functional domain, respectively. This structure allows us to deliver our customers the best possible product experiences, and focus on the substantial long-term impact we create by doing so.

Application Engineering

Creating adaptive, customer-friendly, web-based experiences unique to each migration requires dedicated web-app engineering professionals with advanced craftsmanship in modern front-end technologies.

Platform Engineering

Underneath each migration are highly-technical platform services driving workflows. Our platform engineering professionals employ leading architectures and technologies to ensure speed & perfection at scale.

Integration Engineering

Migrating content at record speeds with incredible precision between our customers' Google, Microsoft, or other online accounts requires creative integration engineering and meticulous attention to detail.

DevOps & Infrastructure

Delivering our customers an unparalleled and highly-secure experience at an affordable price requires innovation at every level to get the most out of our AWS infrastructure.

Product Management

Continual product discovery to create value for highly-discerning customers requires deep migration knowledge, intense collaboration, cross-functional leadership, and the proven ability to deliver a validated backlog to market.


Producing a delightful migration experience requires full-stack user experience design capabilities and a deep belief that the user's experience is as important as the underlying functionality it represents.


Effectively engaging various market segments online to educate and communicate (with simplicity) the unique value of our migration solutions requires craft, maturity, and substantial integrity.


Directly developing prospective migration partnerships with organizations around the world requires the ability to collaborate, educate, and develop partner-friendly solutions with clear ROIs.

Customer Support

Customers rightly obsess about every piece of content. Ensuring that each customer's question, concern, or issue is resolved to the delight of the customer requires empathic support professionals who truly care.

No commute required. Our teams work remotely.

We're looking for the best people. Period. Unbounded by geography, we're happy to work together remotely from any desk, any time, anywhere. No matter your location, you can be fully-immersed in collaboration with our industry-leading team.

Exactly what a modern-day company should be.

Are you highly interested in joining our team?

While we occasionally post open positions on popular job boards, we're always interested in speaking with passionate over-achievers who believe they can make a positive impact on our business. Please submit your resume along with a brief email describing what's driving your interest, which department best suits your talents and experience, and why you believe our customers and our team will benefit from your contributions.

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Get going with VaultMe! Setup is free and easy

With VaultMe, you can safely and quickly migrate your content between Google, Microsoft, and other email platforms with ease. VaultMe's online setup is free and only takes a minute or two. You'll be able to confirm that your email accounts work, see what content will migrate, how long the auto-migration will take, and precisely what your migration will cost.

Try VaultMe Now
Walk step-by-step through all options and pricing. No spam. Nothing to download. No sign-up required.
"Literally saved me about 40-50 hours worth of manual labor."
Colin D.
Administrator, Migrated faculty-member's Google account
"Brilliant service... The customer support for all the queries I had were great. I couldn't have asked for more."
Lisette B.
Migrated work account
"A beautiful and efficient way of saving all your hard work WITHOUT having to organize it."
Brianna C.
Migrated college Gmail account